Make a Custom Template for Your Recurring Documents

Microsoft Word Tutorials · November 20, 2021 · 1 min read

If you need to create same sort of document often - like a contract, order form, letter - you can create a custom template for it. This will save you time and keep you organized.

Open your existing document or create a new one and format it as you like. Click "File" in the top-left corner, than click on "Save As" tab. Enter the name of your template and change the file type to "Word Template (.dotx)" and click on "Save".

Create a custom template in Microsoft Word

Word will save your template to "Custom Office Templates" folder. When you need to create a new document click "Personal" tab to list all your saved templates.

You can also use WordFields application to setup Word templates and to create new documents using predefined input forms.

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WordFields is a hub where you keep all your document templates as fill-out forms.