property resource type

Represents a property associated with a template, defining its type, name, label, description, and other characteristics.


Property Type Description
allowedValues object collection The list of allowed values for the property.
defaultValue object The default value used when null value is specified. Read-write.
description String Description of the property. Read-write.
label String The user-friendly display name of the property. Read-write.
multipleValues Boolean Value indicating whether the property supports multiple (collection of) values.
name String The name of the property. Matches merge tag name in the template file. Read-only.
readOnly Boolean Value indicating whether the property is read-only. Read-write.
type String Data type of the property. Can be one of the following: string, boolean, integer, number, date, select, object.


Relationship Type Description
properties property collection The list of child properties of this property if its type is object.

JSON format

The JSON representation below illustrates the property type.

  "allowedValues": [{"@odata.type": ["string, boolean, integer, number, date, select, object"]}],
  "defaultValue": ["string, boolean, integer, number, date, select, object"],
  "description": "string",
  "label": "string",
  "multipleValues": true,
  "name": "string",
  "properties": [{"@odata.type": ""}],
  "readOnly": false,
  "type": "string | boolean | integer | number| date | select | object"